Saturday, June 11, 2005

Withheld Weariness

one acad week down, a couple of hectic ones to go. i really feel the need to keep away from my cramming tendencies. nay, better drop it since i have to wake up to the fact that all units i've enrolled for are major ones. i'm halfway through my course! yay! it was as if two years were merged into one. two more years to go and i'm off... welcome corporate world! right on, dude!

i already met my professors. i believe they're all embodiments of excellence. it just occurred to me that almost all of them require us to read in advance. shux! and most of them conduct recitations every meeting. brilliant! on a positive note, i feel so privileged of having the first lady UP President as a professor this sem. she emits an aura of authority yet she knows whenever humor calls. i like her style of teaching though it's too early to tell. conversely, i'm also dreading one of my classes. i've heard feedbacks regarding our hbo prof. it's either you come prepared every session or you prepare yourself to be embarassed. yikes. she was fine during the first week, anyway. pressure. pressure. pressure. gotta learn to deal with it better. until tuesday, i'm withholding my weariness.

one great sem coming up! that's sarcasm, deary...


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